
Showing posts from January, 2022

56 year old male with bilateral loin pain

A 60 year old male came to casuality on 13th January with complaints of :  Chief complaints: Pain abdomen and bilateral lower back pain since 20 days Decreased urine output since 15 days HOPI: Patient was apparently asymptomatic 2 years ago then he developed burning micturiturition intermittently. 2 month later he developed pain abdomen and bilateral loin pain. Pain was dragging type, no aggravating or relieving favors.  He then went to a hospital in khammam and was diagnosed with renal stones and was prescribed medication. He didnot use any medication and continued to have loin pain and burning micturiturition.  He developed vomitings and nausea 1year ago every 3 to 4 days immediately after eating and it was foul smelling and greenish in colour He had 3 episodes of blood in urine on the same day 3 months ago and it disappeared from next day 2 months ago he developed urinary incontinence  20 days back he developed abdominal pain  15 days back he developed fever and decreased urine outp

Prefinals paper 2


Prefinals paper 1


A 36 yeah old male with edema of uvula and throat

 A 36 year old male patient watchman by occuption came with the complaints of swelling of tongue and uvula at 4.00 am yesterday  HOPI: He was apparently asymptomatic 15 years ago before 2007 when he developed generalised swellings in the body which progressed to involve his face and he was admitted to a local hospital for that and tracheotomy was done and referred to kamineni for further management  Since then he had multiple episodes of swelling over the limbs, back, face for which he took hydrocortisone and avil at home and if there was swelling in the face and throat he came to hospital  He used to develop the swelling at a frequency of about 2 times amonth The swelling is not associated with itching, redness or pain Patient developed swellings when exposed to smoke /dust/whrn he eats certain foods(fish,brinjal,gongura) Swelling usually appears 5to 10 hours after exposure to triggers and lasts upto 3 days  In 2016,he developed again an episode of swelling of face and throat for whic