55 year old male with abdominal distension

 A 55 year old male came to hospital with complaints of abdominal distension since 1 week

Swelling in both the legs since 1 week

Patient was admitted on 18,November 2021

He was asymptomatic 3 months 15 days ago then he noticed swelling of right lower limb which was gradually progressive .It started as swelling in the foot then progressed slowly from foot to thigh to involve whole leg.  Pedal edema was pitting type and associated with pain in muscles

The swelling progressed further to involve abdomen and he developed abdominal distension after 15 days which progressed gradually .15 days later he developed swelling in left leg which started as ankle swelling and progressed upto thigh and involved scrotum 

 15 days after development of abdominal distension he came to KIMS for treatment. He was admitted here. Ascitic tap was done.  He was diagnosed with Nephrotic syndrome .He was given medication for that and discharged.

1 month after that he developed abdominal distension again along with pedal edema and came to KIMS. Then again Ascitic tap was done

The swelling in legs and abdominal distension aggravated since 1 week

He is having sob since 3 months on walking 

He also had decreased urine output 3 months ago for 20 days which started at the time of abdominal distension and improved after using medication after  admission to KIMS 

He also has decreased appetite since 3 months 

He underwent dialysis 2 times

1st time was 3 days ago

2nd time was 2 days ago  

He is currently using Metolazone  for edema(thiazide like diuretic) 

He also has a history of joint pains since 6 years .He used to cycle upto 10 Kms every day. He used to take pain killers for joint pains 7 to 8 times a month

No history of burning micturiturition, urgency, increased frequency ,hematuria,frothy urine

Daily routine :

He used to cycle 10 Kms  every day for his work. Now because of pedal edema he could not even walk properly and he is not going to work. His food intake is also decreased and is eating almost 1/4 of what he used to eat every day

Past history :

He was diagnosed with hypertension 3 months ago at a local hospital when he went for treatment for swelling .He is using medication since then AMLONG 5mg OD

He was diagnosed with pulmonary  tuberculosis 23 years ago and used course of ATT for 6 months 

No h/o diabetes, asthma,epilepsy

Treatment history :

Used to consume painkillers for joint pains 7 to 8 times a month 

Used ATT for tuberculosis 

Personal history :

Diet is mixed

Appetite is decreased since 3 months

Sleep - adequate 

Bowel - constipated because of reduced food intake 

Bladder - decreased urine output 

No addictions

Family history:

Not significant 

General examination :

Patient is conscious,coherent,cooperative well oriented to time, place and person

Moderately built, moderately nourished

Pallor - present, edema - present 

No signs of Icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy 


Bp: 130/90

PR: 96bpm

RR:24 cpm

Temperature -

Respiratory examination :

B/L air entry present 

Auscultation -Normal vesicular breath sounds heard 

Cardiovascular system :

S1, S2 heard, JVP is raised, murmurs are heard over aortic region

Per abdomen examination :

Inspection :

Abdomen is distended,skin over abdomen is tense

Umbilicus is central 

Palpation :

Abdomen is non tender, temperature is same as that of surrounding 

Percussion :

Dull note is heard over all the quadrants

Fluid thrill was present

CNS examination :no abnormality detected

He has pitting type of pedal edema

His serum ferritin was raised to 415ng/ml

Serum creatinine is raised to 5.7mg/dl
Blood urea is raised to 164mg/dl
Hemoglobin - 7.7g/dl
Phosphorus - raised 7.8mg/dl
Liver function tests:
Alkaline phosphate -162 IU/L

Total protein- 4.3g/dl
Albumin - 2g/dl
A/G ratio - 0.89

   Chest x-ray showing left pleural effusion, abdomen obscured by fluid


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