A 36 yeah old male with edema of uvula and throat

 A 36 year old male patient watchman by occuption came with the complaints of swelling of tongue and uvula at 4.00 am yesterday 


He was apparently asymptomatic 15 years ago before 2007 when he developed generalised swellings in the body which progressed to involve his face and he was admitted to a local hospital for that and tracheotomy was done and referred to kamineni for further management 

Since then he had multiple episodes of swelling over the limbs, back, face for which he took hydrocortisone and avil at home and if there was swelling in the face and throat he came to hospital 

He used to develop the swelling at a frequency of about 2 times amonth

The swelling is not associated with itching, redness or pain

Patient developed swellings when exposed to smoke /dust/whrn he eats certain foods(fish,brinjal,gongura)

Swelling usually appears 5to 10 hours after exposure to triggers and lasts upto 3 days 

In 2016,he developed again an episode of swelling of face and throat for which  tracheostomy was done

 recent episode was yesterday 

Patient woke up to to urinate at 1'0 am during his shift as watchman yesterday then he felt discomfort in his throat and foreign body sensation so he went to check it  out what it was in the mirror and he noticed swelling of uvula 

The swelling progressed downwards and patient felt like whole of the throat is swollen

He developed sudden onset pain associated with swelling soon after he noticed swelling which progressed gradually to the point where he could not move his head side to side due to pain

His daily routine was not affected much when he has swelling over body and limbs but he used to take leave when he developed edema of face, throat


No history of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy 


He has been taking hydrocortisone and avail for swelling episodes


Tracheotomy was done twice



Appetite - normal

Sleep - inadequate because of working as watchman

Bowel and bladder : regular

No addictions

Allergies - he used to develop generalised swellings over the body when he eats fish, mutton, gongura

Or exposed to incense stick, burning garbage, deos


No other family members affected by this condition 


Patient was conscious, coherent, cooperative and moderately built and well nourished. He was examined in a well lit room

No signs of pallor, Icterus, cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy

Edema of uvula is seen

Edema of extremities is absent


HR - 120 bpm

BP - 120/90 mmhg

RR - 16 cpm



Examination of oral cavity :

No trismus

Examination of oral cavity - lips, gums, teeth, gingivobuccal sulcus, gingivolingual sulcus( upper and lower) ,retromolar trigone, anterior 2/3 of tongue, hardpalate, floor of mouth appear normal

Examination of oropharynx - edema and congestion of anterior pillar, uvula, soft palate, posterior pharyngeal wall 

Examination of nose:

Turbinates and mucosa appear normal

Examination of neck - tracheostomy scar and normal neck movements 

1.Inspection of chest:

Shape of chest-bilaterally symmetrical 

Expansion of chest - appears equal on both sides 

Position of trachea - deviated to left

No crowding of ribs 

No visible pulsations or engorgement 

No visible scars and sinuses

No kyphoscoliosis

2.Palpation of chest :

No tenderness 

No local rise of temperature 

Bilateral air entry present 

Expansion of chest equal on both sides 

Apex beat - medial to midclavicular line in 5th intercoastal space 


Resonant over all areas of chest 


normal vesicular breath sounds 

Abdominal examination :

Inspection : shape of abdomen is scaphoid, no visible peristalsis 

Palpation : soft, nontender ,no organomegaly

Percussion : no free fluid

Auscultation : bowel sounds heard 


Inspection : no visible pulsations 

Palpation: apex beat felt

Percussion :heart borders normal

Auscultation :S1, S2 heard nothing added murmurs



Normal speech

Cranial nerves intact

Normal sensory and motor system 

Kernick's sign - normal

No neck stiffness 

Reflexes - normal


  1. Haemoglobin- 13g/dl
  1. Total Leukocyte count- 13,200 cells/cumm
  1. Platelet count- 4.6 lakhs/cumm
  1. Complete Urine examination- no sugars, no albumin present.
  1. Blood grouping- A positive 
  1. Random Blood Sugar- 115mg/dl
  1. RFTs- 
  • Urea- 19
  • Creatinine- 1
  • Sodium- 140 mEq/L
  • Potassium- 4.1 mEq/L
  • Chloride- 94 mEq/L

8. Liver Function Tests-

  • Total bilirubin- 1.19 mg/dl
  • Direct bilirubin- 0.3mg/dl
  • AST(SGOT) - 25 IU/L ( 5-40)
  • ALP(SGPT) - 145 IU/L (N  44-147)
  • ALT- 21 IU/L (N  7-55)

9. C4 complement serum 




Angioneurotic edema

Head end elevation
 Inj Hydrocortisone 100mg
Inj avil
Vitals monitoring every 2 hours


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